This is a church steeped in history. Originally, this church was organized as the Yorkville Baptist Church in 1866. Interestingly, 2 of the 15 charter members of the church were former slaves. The present and quite historic sanctuary was dedicated on January 10, 1892. This is a congregation proud of her heritage. However, the body of believers at the First Baptist Church of York do not define themselves by history. Instead, the people of the First Baptist Church of York, like the first disciples of Jesus – imperfect yet loved – define themselves as followers of Christ.
Our Mission:
To foster and maintain public worship, carry out the great commission of Jesus Christ and promote Christian fellowship and growth.
We are currently in a season of transition and discernment. Please inquire for more information via phone at 803-684-4297.

Gayle Broom Dover | Children & Youth Ministry Director
Gayle is a native of York and has served as our Children’s Ministry Director since the position was created. In 2005 she extended her ministry taking on the position as Youth Director. Along with these part-time positions Gayle serves full-time as an Academic Support Assistant II at Harold C. Johnson Elementary School. She is married to her wonderful husband Leslie Dover. They have one son, Christopher and a grandson, Noah!
Gayle not only loves the children and youth of First Baptist York she tries to live by the song and “loves all the children of the world”. She schedules quarterly meetings with the leaders of our community to discuss community mission projects ie: Community Easter Egg Hunt, Community Trunk or Treat. She schedules monthly activities for the children and youth, schedules mission projects, but more importantly she seeks ways to involve and help deepen the faith of our next generation in Christ through bible study, bible being, and bible doing. As the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without works is dead also. James 2:26
QUOTE: Our young people today learn at a fast pace. Children born today will never know a world where computers and cell phones do not exist. They can google information and have an immediate answer. But there is more anxiety, depression, and loneliness in this same generation. I want to point them to the true answer, don’t keep looking down my friends (at your social media) look up to the one who truly loves you and gave His life for you. People never care how much you know until they know how much you care!
Currently interviewing for church pianist.
Susan Roberts | Music Director
| Ministry Assistant
From Our Pastor
You are loved by Christ
Thank you for taking time to learn a little bit about our church and staff. Since starting at FBC York, I have been surrounded by the love of this community and invite you to join us here. We are not perfect group, but we are fun. We enjoy our time together whether in worship or a monthly meal, and love to see each other. I invite you to join us one Sunday, either in person or on Facebook, and experience what we have to offer.